jeudi 12 mars 2009

my heart goes "thump,thump"

hi, im starting to stress out.
the next 10 days go like this:
tomorrow-pack my suitcases,do all my laundry after school (5PM)

saturday,sunday:leave at 9AM to go off with my 1st host parents to basse normandie whoo. not.

monday:move to new host family in st.aubin sur scie AKA far away
(no more waking up late and walking to school :( )

tuesday night: dinner that WILL last til midnight

wednesday night: ROTARY as always

thursday after school: leave for toulouse. possibly on a train by myself because no one can take me. PS- I'VE NEVER RIDDEN A TRAIN, LET ALONE BY MYSELF.

thursday continues til monday morning..

can we say NON-STOP

1 commentaire:

Elaina a dit…

you've never riden a train yet?!!!!

oh geez, babe i miss you